Lalor is going through an overhaul both on and off field…
The clubs foundations have always been solid, rich with history and success.
In recent times, too much has fallen on too few and looking forward, with growth in mind, the current committee’s major focus is define our overall objectives as a sporting hub for the suburb.
A plan is being prepared that will detail what we hope to achieve (as a club) in the next;
- 12 months,
- 3 years &
- 2028, a decade from now…
The re-branding exercise is the start of that whole process and what will signify the new generation of BLOODSMEN in 2018.
We are striving to have a stronger engagement with the immediate community and link existing local clubs to share data bases, resources and sponsorship opportunities – This is key to our immediate development.
Engaging, formalising or agreeing to any partnership is certainly one way of approaching connections however, as a club we feel a dramatic cosmetic shift is required to signify our intentions and provide certainty to our proposed partners as well as the new era of players, members and supporters.
- The suburb is named after Peter Lalor, famed for his efforts during the Eureka Stockade and the traditional colours of that movement are Navy and White.
- The Lalor Primary school, our closest educational neighbours colours are Navy and White.
- The Lalor Bowling Club, who shares the Sydney Crescent sporting precinct colours are Navy and White (A strong membership link will be presented shortly)
In the coming weeks, we will be releasing a new design playing jumper to be voted on by the members and this change will be a significant step towards the future.
This Jumper will link our current colours of Red & White with the Navy of our intended partners and share the Blue collar, working class identity in which the suburb was named in honour of.
A fresh look will allow us to promote the new direction planned for the club and solidify the importance of our CULTURE COLUMN moving forward to encourage a new wave of players.
More details will be released in the coming weeks and the new direction finalised before the end of 2017.
Benjamin Charles
Go Bloods
24 Sydney Cres Lalor
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